
Shoot myself in the foot

I managed to shoot myself in the foot playing with OpenSolaris 2008.05 Image Packaging System. So now I started over. No data loss but embarrassing...

Anyway, that let me set up my system even better adding the knowledge I've gained during the last couple of weeks.

As this is early birds, there are some special steps to consider.
Boot up from the LiveCD and install with ZFS on one disk. It takes 15 minutes on a decent machine.
After the reboot log in as the user you created at install (not root), open a terminal and do like this.

$ pfexec pkg refresh --full
$ pfexec pkg install SUNWipkg@0.5.11-0.86
$ pfexec pkg refresh --full
$ pfexec pkg image-update

The image update takes 1-2 hours depending on network speed so be patient.

Don't forget to update GRUB (Needed just only the first time you update after a fresh install)

$ pfexec mount -F zfs rpool/ROOT/opensolaris-1 /mnt
$ pfexec /mnt/boot/solaris/bin/update_grub -R /mnt
$ pfexec init 6

Now you have the most modern UNIX on your machine and you can start adding development tools or whatever you need.

$ pfexec pkg install openoffice

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