
SXCE b61 on Acer Ferrari 5005

I'm currently struggling with getting SXCE b61 to install on my Acer Ferrari 5005. It just hangs after you have answered the initial name/time etc. questions. Heard that you might need to kill of a process to continue. Will try and get back...


The build has started

Just bought two Sun Sun Fire V480 servers who will be the base in my build of a public Sun Ray service. Now I'm looking for some storage like two StorEdge 3510 FC arrays and I have my NFS server. Then I'll go for a couple of Sun Fire X4200 servers to set up as the actual Sun Ray servers or maybe some Sun Fire X4600 M2. With eight dual cores they must be able to provide like 500 simultaneous users which gives a price/performance ratio that is much better than any PC@Home solution. The security I plan to create with a VPN router like the Linksys BEFVP41 on the client end and a Cisco at the server side.

The idea is beginning to get real. Now I just need a place to keep all my stuff.